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Capponi-Savolainen, A. (forthcoming). Children’s singing ecologies in culturally diversifying Finnish schools and society”. Doctoral dissertation. University of the Arts Helsinki. Studia Musica.


Backer Johnsen, H., Capponi-Savolainen, A. et al. (2020). Collaboratively Navigating Liminality in Music Education Doctoral Studies. In T. Laes & L. Hautsalo (Eds.) Remarks on a Visionary’s Journey. An Anthology Celebrating Heidi Westerlund. Sibelius Academy Publications 18.


Capponi-Savolainen, A. (2018). “Singing who we are: the meanings and values of singing for children in culturally diverse Finnish schools”. Scientific Poster and Interactive presentation.  JustEd International research conference “Promoting justice through education”. Helsinki, Finland.

Capponi-Savolainen, A & Kivijärvi, S. (2017) “Exploring aesthetic experience in early childhood music education: John Dewey’s and Mark Johnson’s views on embodiment”. Finnish journal of Music Education,20 (1), 100-106. Uniarts, Helsinki, Finland.


Capponi-Savolainen, A. (2017) “Cantar a partir de quienes somos en nuestro cuerpo y en el mundo” (Singing from the perspective of who we are in our body and in our world). Published online:  Observatorio del musicar of the University of Costa Rica.


Capponi-Savolainen, A. (2015). Individual expressions: The use of the body and the development of emotional expression in children's singing. "Musiikkikasvatuspäivät 2015"of the Finnish Society of Music Education. Musiikkitalo, Helsinki.


Capponi-Savolainen, A. (2009) “Comparing Finnish and Argentinian Educational Systems. Differences and similarities as expressed through the law and the effects of the cultural, historical and economical context”. Finnish journal of Music Education, 12 (2), 95-101. Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland.




Capponi-Savolainen, A. (October 2017). Singing from the perspective of who-we-are in our body and in our world: exploring the meanings of singing in early childhood music education. Proceedings of the Hollo symposium “Back to senses – Exploring future directions of arts education”. University of the Arts Theatre Academy, Helsinki, Finland.


Capponi, A. (2004) “La evaluación en el canto: categorías de estimación y habilidades de ejecución vocal” (Singing Evaluation: Estimating categories in Vocal Performance abilities). Proceedings of the IV Reunión anual de SACCoM.  National University of Tucumán, Argentina.

Capponi, A. (2003) “Cognición Musical y Método Suzuki” (Music Cognition and the Suzuki Method). Proceedings of the III Reunión anual de SACCoM (Argentinean Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music). Fine Arts National University of La Plata, Argentina.

Copyright Analia Capponi-Savolainen. All rights reserved.
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