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Capponi-Savolainen, A. (2022). Presidential paper presentation. "Listening to Children's Voices: Singing and Identity in the Culturally Diverse Finnish School". 35th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education: A Visible Voice (July 17 – 22, 2022). Online. Brisbane, Australia.


Capponi-Savolainen, A. (2021). Paper presentation: “Children’s Singing and Identity in Culturally Diverse Societies”. IX Conference on Childhood Studies – Childhood and time​ (May 10–12, 2021).Tampere, Finland​.

Capponi-Savolainen, A. (2020) Accepted paper presentation: “Singing, identity and the sense of belonging in the culturally diverse Finnish school: Listening to the voices of first grade students”. Children First – Designing sustainable early childhood education (May 4 –7, 2020). Helsinki, Finland. Finnish National Agency for Education. (The conference was cancelled)

Capponi-Savolainen, A. (2020). Accepted symposium paper: “Listening to children’s voices: The complexity and the paradoxes of conducting interviews with children”. Symposium: Talking with children in early childhood music education research: challenges, contradictions, and potentials. ISME 4th World Conference “Visions of Equity and Diversity”. (August 2–7, 2020). Helsinki, Finland (The conference was cancelled).

Capponi-Savolainen, A. (2020) Accepted paper presentation: “Children’s singing and identity: A narrative study in one culturally diverse lower-level school in Finland” ISME 4th World Conference “Visions of Equity and Diversity”. (August 2–7, 2020). Helsinki, Finland. (The conference was cancelled).


Capponi-Savolainen, A. (September 2019). Paper presentation "Children’s singing, identity and the sense of belonging: A narrative study in one culturally diverse lower level school in Finland". International Children's Culture Forum. Session “Diversity in children’s culture”. Tampere, Finland, 30th of September 2019. 


Capponi-Savolainen, A. (September 2019). Paper presentation "Canto, Identidad y sentido de pertenencia en las escuelas Finlandesas con bagaje cultural diverso". International Conference of CIPEM–Challenges in Music Education. Porto, Portugal, 19th-21st of September 2019.


Capponi-Savolainen, A. (May 2019). Paper presentation: "Making room for children's voices: the potential of singing in culturally diverse Finnish classrooms". 27th EAS Conference/7th European ISME regional Conference:"The School I'd Like" –Music Education meeting the needs of the children and young people today. May 15–18 2019. Malmö, Sweden.


Capponi-Savolainen, A. ( 2019). Siba research days 2019. Doctoral project presentation: "Singing, identity and the sense of belonging in culturally diverse Finnish schools". See the video on top of the page.

Capponi-Savolainen, A. (November 2018). "Laulaen keitä olemme: Lasten äänet ja kulttuurinen monimuotoisuus musiikinopetuksessa". Lapset, musiikki ja kasvatus –seminaari (Fisme ry).


Capponi-Savolainen, A. (November, 2018).  "Singing who we are: Children’s perceptions of the roles singing plays in supporting democracy in culturally diverse Finnish schools". Paper presentation. Thematic group: The potential of aesthetic and artistic experiences in fostering compassion and intersubjective understanding at schools. FERA Conference on Education 2018. University of Tampere, Finland.  ​


Capponi-Savolainen, A. (May, 2018). “Singing who we are: the meanings and values of singing for children in culturally diverse Finnish schools”. Interactive poster presentation. JustEd “Promoting justice through education” International research conference, Helsinki.

Capponi-Savolainen, A. (January, 2018). “Building community in and through music from the perspective of who-we-are”. Key note speaker of the Finnish Suzuki Association teacher’s conference in Helsinki. Karjala-talo, Helsinki, Finland.

Capponi-Savolainen, A. (October 2017). "Singing from the perspective of who-we-are in our body and in our world: exploring the meanings of singing in early childhood music education". Presentation as part of the Hollo symposium “Back to senses – Exploring future directions of arts education”. University of the Arts, Theatre Academy, Helsinki.

Capponi-Savolainen, A. (July, 2017). “Building community in and through music from the perspective of who-we-are”. Key note speaker of the Winter Suzuki Festival of Victoria. Suzuki Music, Melbourne, Australia.

Capponi-Savolainen, A. (June, 2017). "Meanings and values of singing for children”. ArtsEqual Pedagogical MiniFestival, University of the Arts, Helsinki.


Capponi-Savolainen, A. (May 2016). "Building community in and through music: Interaction, communication and singing from an early age". Paper presentation at the SAA bienal Conference of the Suzuki Method Association of Americas. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.



Invited panelist – Children's culture & diversity panel discussion.  Kolibri Festivaali 2020. Cultural Centre Kaisa, Helsinki, Finland.


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Panelists: Cátia Suomalainen Pedroza, Helsinki City, Director of Kulttuurikeskus Caisa. Eva Wilenius, Espoo City HelMet, Services Manager at Sello Library. Pirjetta Mulari, Helsinki City, Acting Director of Annantalo. 

Ines Montalvao, Heureka – the Finnish Science Centre Concept & Experience Designer. Finnish BioArt Society
Analia Capponi-Savolainen, researcher at Sibelius Academy, UniArts Helsinki. Johanna Nonna Mattila, theater practitioner, Chairwoman at Kulttuuriyhdistys Suomen Eucrea ry and culture secretary at Kynnys ry.

Moderator: Arlene Tucker, artist, educator and diversity agent.

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